Sunday, October 31, 2010

ps. rhode island red and shadow craziness

Current location: Newport, RI (visiting sweet baby esther...and her parents)
-this place is straight out of a movie. I may never leave.

...a sneak peak:

(brother's house)-

(crazy cool shadows on neighbor's house)-

baby girl pink

Somehow I managed to get the two most adorable nieces in the entire universe. Not sure how that happened to me...

-but, it did.

this is baby esther:

talk about melt your heart!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

brick red

there's something about old red brick...
it has a history.
it has a story. well, lots of stories.
it's strong. but, wearing down.
there's character.

these were taken as I was running out the door from a friend's apartment building in nashville...

apartment envy? talk about an understatement!